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I will be working mainly in and around my home area for the 2025 seasons.  May do a couple of road trips this coming summer.  I will update this page should things change.  If you live in northern Minnesota, or are traveling through this area and would like to work with me, feel free to contact me via my email: 
* Please read my ABOUT PAGE and my CONTACT PAGE prior to contacting me for modeling jobs.
Modeling jobs will be removed from this page when positions filled.
(If it is up, it is available)
I shoot still photos only for my work.

Current modeling jobs needed: (3
Looking for ladies and gentlemen to model nude in landscapes during 2025 summer.  All shoots will be one to five-day outings.  Ages 18 on up, no top end.  You will get all of the images on a flash drive.  Able to work around your schedule most of the time.  Examples:


Sheba's Nest

Conclusion Of The Water Ballet

The Picnic

The Offering

Her New Dress

Born Of My Father's Dreams

Luncheon At The River

See OUTDOOR portfolio for further examples.

This is pretty straight forward modeling work, where you are a prop in the scenery of a story.  If you are relatively new to modeling don't worry, I know what I am looking for, so I will bend you around into the poses I need.  
With most work I am not interested in seeing the model's face and prefer it not be visible, but that is not always possible or practical in every situation.  Sometimes a face needs to be shown, but I will only do that shot if the model is okay with her/his face shown.  The ability to remain anonymous is an option for all of my models.    
Seeking older women, 50+ years of age for a gallery show displaying beauty of the mature body.  This will be an ongoing project until I have sufficient images for a show.  Contact me via my email, if you have an interest in being part of this project.  These portraits can be indoors or outdoors, your choice.  Same with face showing, your choice.  Color or monochrome, your choice.  Location, your choice.  Pose, your choice.
The ladies have come up with these set-ups on their own.  I'm impressed.

The female body is beautiful at any age or condition.  Let others enjoy what you have before that opportunity has passed. 
Must be a minimum of 50 years of age.  No top end.
You can be as modest as you want or as wild as you want.  My only requirement is that you are nude.  You can pose any way you want.  I am there to record what you want your image to be for the gallery show.  A reflection of who you are, not what I think you should be, or what I think would be the best pose.  You can be in color or monochrome.  Antique looking or modern styles.  It is all up to you.  What you see above is just what they wanted their image to look like.  I will not make suggestions, even if you ask, so plan well and think about light and background.  With that, I will shut up and leave the rest to you.  If you want to travel to a location to work at, I will do that.  Let's talk.  Almost anything is possible.  Summer is coming and the world awaits as backdrops for outdoor work.  I will suggest areas, but you must pick the spot and pose on your own.  I have hiked many miles while the lady finds the spot she wants to pose in, and I am more than happy to do so.
Let people know who you are or remain anonymous.  I will not divulge any names to anyone.  I will not be editing the images to make you look better, except to remove dirt and fresh bruises, cuts and scrapes.  Every mark, scar, mole, fold and wrinkle are who you have become, and they stay.   If you don't want parts of your body in the image, I will crop them out, but I won't change them.
Images will be added to this site as things progress toward my goal.
Would like more 70s & 80s ladies, if possible, but open to anyone above 50.
A future calendar of my choice of the best twelve images may be down the road...  Maybe.
End of February note:  As this project progresses, I have noticed the ladies getting a little more creative with how they want to be shown.  As long as it is true to who you are, I'm all for it.  I have already reshot four ladies who have seen what others have done and decided to up their game, and the wine glass and shower ladies above are waiting for warmer weather to reshoot outdoors.  I am open to reshooting anyone as many times as they choose.
I've had a request from one gal wanting to pose in a very erotic image with a male, but I have decided against that.  No male figure in these images, and I do not want the gallery show straying too far from, "The Mature Female Body" theme into erotica.  
If you are interested in erotic modeling, please visit the listing below where we can dabble in that area.  You can do both as some have done.
Still hoping to get some older ladies for this project...  Getting 50s, 60s and a couple of early 70-year-olds, but lacking late 70s, 80s, and even 90-year-olds.  Everyone over 50 is welcome however.


Warning!  Beyond this point is for mature viewers only.

Let me be very clear.  You must ask to model for erotic work.  I will never encourage someone who is modeling for nudes in landscape to work in this field unless they show an interest in doing so.

Looking for ladies to model for erotica.  This is erotic art, not porn.  Porn is for you to get off on, where erotica is meant to tickle awake desires.  Themes for the shows run anywhere from humorous to high emotion.  Models need to be all in for this work.  There are no, "But that part you can't touch" scenarios.  Expect full body contact, because I don't care how good you think you can fake an orgasm, faked erotica looks terrible, and I don't do terrible.  You will get all the images edited on a flash drive, and you can do with them as you please.  Prefer models 35 years of age and up, but willing to work with others as long as the laws are followed.  I shoot what I need for my shows, not what you want.  Do not bring along sexy outfits because I won't photograph you in them.  I only shoot what is specifically required for upcoming showsI usually have several erotic shows scheduled, so there is a lot to get done.  
I do not shoot
bondage or fetishes.  Models will end a session in the exact same condition they arrived in, although somewhat exhausted, quite sweaty, and often, a bit more content.  Shower is usually available.   
Any images you pose for will not be put up on this site without your written permission to do so, as those below have given.  My erotic work is not for the internet public, but gallery shows only.  I may ask if you will allow me to post an image as an example, but that decision is solely going to be made by you, in writing.  Those considering modeling for erotic work can view many more images that I have been allowed to use as examples, but we need to talk before permission to access that work is given.
I currently have several
 erotic show themes to shoot, and I plan on taking them in the order based upon each model's body style, age, and hair color in order to make the best-looking work.  Once again, we are shooting what I need, not what you want.
Interested models please read the FAQ,s about erotic modeling.
I can work around your schedule most of the time. 
Erotic work is shot indoors and outdoors, depending on what I need at the time and the weather conditions.  Wintertime is all indoors.
Some examples of my erotic work: 

Hands On Operation

Havana Nights

Sensual Shower

Caught With Your Hand In The Cookie Jar

Grandmothers Make Good Lovers

I Can See Up Your Nose

Your Husband Will Be Home Soon

Eyes Wide Open But Can't See

Tension Building

The Chess Player

In The Kinsey Institute Museum

Renaissance Picnic 

In The Kinsey Institute Museum


In The Kinsey Institute Museum

Loosening The Glue Joints

All God's Children

In The Kinsey Institute Museum


Lip Service

Notice:  All erotic shoots are recorded by time stamped video and audio from an uninteresting distance.  These recordings are made to protect both the model and me (mostly me) and are used for no other reason.  They are never seen by anyone.  Just a clear record of what actually took place and who agreed to participate.  All models doing erotica will sign a model release as well for my record keeping, even if they remain anonymous throughout production.  
I have never had a model complain about working with me, and I am doing my best to make sure that never happens.  Maybe it's me, but the way the world is going these days, I get a little nervous shooting erotic work with someone I do not know very well, hence the documentation.    
On a side note, I do not get offended by anything a model says or does during a photo shoot.  You can slap me on the ass or grab me by the whatever and it is alright.  If you are someone who thinks they may be offended by something I might say or do, such as slap you on the ass, go be offended someplace else because I do not want to work with you.  Creating art is supposed to be fun, not tiptoeing around on eggshells.  I have found a bit of horsing around while working goes a long way at setting people at ease with each other. 
Be sure to read the CONTACT page. 

Friends With Benefits

Killing Time On A Warm Summer's Day

Marriage On The Rocks

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